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Shipping and Cancellation Policy

Shipping policy


  1. Orders will be dispatched in 2-3 working days from the PO date. It will not be dispatched on weekends or holidays.
  2. All books will be delivered within a minimum of 2 working days and maximum of 14 working days
  3. Shipping charges for order(s) will be displayed during checkout (if applicable).
  4. The shipping address of on order cannot be modified once books have been dispatched. In such cases the buyers can place a return request for the order refund will be processed based on refund policy. Alternatively user can place a new order with changed shipping address
  5. All orders will be shipped by Shree Tirupati Couriers or DTDC couriers
  6. For orders misplaced by courier refund we will not be responsible and cannot process refund
  7. If the items in the order cannot be supplied we will inform you and process a refund based on refund policy. 
  8. Incase the product is damaged in courier then we will not be able to give refund only replacement will be allowed and after the customer sends us back the damaged copy on his own expenses


Cancellation policy

  1. Cancellations of products will be allowed only if the products are not dispatched from our office.
  2. If the products are dispatched then we will not be able to cancel the order
  3. Individual items or partial cancellation is not allowed. Only full order can be cancelled.